Registered Voters: | 23,968 | Ballots Cast: | 4,820 | Voter Turnout: | 20.11% |
Precincts Total: | 9 | Precincts Fully Counted: | 9 | Precincts Fully Counted Percent: | 100.00% |
Precincts Partially Counted: | 0 |
No |
City of Saline, Precincts 1 & 2 | 633 | 143 |
City of Saline, Precincts 3 & 4 | 476 | 218 |
Bridgewater Township, Precinct 1 | 21 | 21 |
Freedom Township, Precinct 1 | 6 | 6 |
Lodi Township, Precincts 1 & 2 | 602 | 297 |
Pittsfield Charter Township, Precinct 8 | 190 | 68 |
Pittsfield Charter Township, Pct 11 & 12 | 824 | 236 |
Saline Township, Precinct 1 | 182 | 95 |
York Township, Precincts 2 & 3 | 592 | 203 |
Totals | 3526 73.26% | 1287 26.74% |