Registered Voters: | 18,475 | Ballots Cast: | 2,928 | Voter Turnout: | 15.85% |
Precincts Total: | 10 | Precincts Counted: | 10 | Precincts Counted Percent: | 100.00% |
Precincts Partially Counted: | 0 |
PRECINCT NAME | Diane Giannola (DEM) |
Graydon Krapohl (DEM) |
Eric B. Lipson (DEM) |
Write-In |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 1 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 2 | 6 | 7 | 17 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 3 | 23 | 176 | 65 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 4 | 104 | 177 | 151 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 5 | 71 | 135 | 136 | 1 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 6 | 126 | 109 | 118 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 7 | 79 | 166 | 212 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 8 | 51 | 80 | 37 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 9 | 83 | 130 | 147 | 0 |
City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 10 | 35 | 19 | 26 | 0 |
Totals | 579 23.19% | 1005 40.25% | 912 36.52% | 1 0.04% |